The man looks sideways and smiles

Mayor A C Wharton: Championing Memphis’ Renaissance

A C Wharton’s tenure as Mayor of Memphis, Tennessee, from 2009 to 2015, represents a period of inspired leadership and significant civic transformation, underscored by a relentless belief in overcoming adversity and uniting for a common purpose.

From Humble Beginnings to Political Science Luminary

Born in Lebanon, Tennessee, Wharton’s early life was shaped by the modest expectations of a farm laborer’s path. Yet, the transformative support of two student teachers and an unexpected scholarship from his high school principal propelled him from his expected trajectory into the halls of Tennessee State University (TSU). There, he not only excelled in political science, graduating with honors in 1962, but he also set the stage for a future in public service.

Pioneering Legal Advocacy and Educational Contributions

Wharton’s pursuit of justice led him to the University of Mississippi Law School, where he emerged as a trailblazer among African-American students and scholars. His tenure as a law professor at the university and his leadership roles within the civil rights legal sphere, particularly with Memphis Area Legal Services, underscored his commitment to legal advocacy and community service.

Transformational Leadership as Mayor of Memphis

Elected Mayor of Memphis in 2009 with a commanding mandate, Wharton embarked on an ambitious agenda to foster economic development, enhance public safety, and improve the quality of life for all citizens. His administration was marked by significant infrastructural and policy reforms, including the strategic utilization of Colorado River water and the formation of the Regional Transportation Authority.

Legislative Initiatives and Community Programs

Wharton’s legislative prowess was evident in his early efforts to combat domestic violence and his innovative approaches to addressing mental illness within the criminal justice system. His tenure saw the implementation of groundbreaking programs aimed at improving community well-being and public safety, including the Jericho Project.

National Recognition and Advocacy

As a respected figure on the national stage, Wharton has contributed to pivotal discussions on urban development and public policy, sharing his insights with Congress, the Brookings Institution, and other prominent platforms. His leadership has been recognized for its innovative and compassionate approach to governance.

Personal Life and Legacy

Wharton, alongside his wife, has raised six sons, cementing a legacy of family and community devotion. His personal and professional journeys mirror his belief in the transformative power of education, advocacy, and inclusive leadership.

Hallmarks of Mayor Wharton’s Leadership

  • Elevated Urban Policy: Spearheaded initiatives that significantly altered Memphis’s urban landscape, emphasizing sustainable growth and environmental stewardship;
  • Water Resource Innovation: Pioneered the strategic use of Colorado River allocations, marking a shift towards sustainable water management and reduced groundwater dependency;
  • Transportation and Infrastructure: Played a pivotal role in forming the Regional Transportation Authority, leading to the successful implementation of a comprehensive $2.1 billion transportation plan and the introduction of the All-American Modern Streetcar System;
  • Public Safety and Welfare: Founded the Meth-Free Alliance and the Men’s Anti-Violence Partnership, significantly boosting the city’s public safety through an increased police and firefighter presence;
  • Economic and Community Development: Facilitated the consolidation of economic development agencies into the Tucson Regional Economic Opportunities, Inc. (TREO), enhancing job creation and worker earnings;
  • Environmental Leadership: Became the first Arizona Mayor to sign the U.S. Mayor’s Climate Protection Agreement, doubling Tucson’s recycling efforts and championing solar energy expansion;
  • Health Initiatives: Launched the Healthy Tucson Initiative and the Global Alliance for Community Wellness, focusing on preventive health care and community well-being;
  • Advocacy and Representation: Garnered national recognition through testimony before the U.S. Congress and participation in key conferences, advocating for urban development and public policy improvements.

Mayor A C Wharton’s administration in Memphis was marked by innovative solutions to complex challenges, a testament to his unwavering commitment to the city’s progress and the well-being of its residents.


A C Wharton’s tenure as Mayor of Memphis stands as a testament to his enduring commitment to public service, characterized by visionary leadership, innovative policy reforms, and a deep-rooted dedication to the betterment of his community. His journey from the foothills of the Cumberland Mountains to the helm of Memphis’s city government encapsulates a remarkable narrative of resilience, leadership, and hope for future generations.

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